Encouraging her progress

In a domestic bathroom, a naked woman leans over the bath and is spanked by a man with a wooden bathbrush.

All he wants to do is make progress with the day, but if she is going to dilly-dally in the bathroom, then a little encouragement to make progress with her ablutions does not go amiss.

5 thoughts on “Encouraging her progress

  1. That is one of my pet hates, when you have a shared bathroom and you end up waiting ages to get in. I don’t blame him one bit for spanking her with the bath brush. When my mum did that when I was a little girl (I’m 5′ 3″ so that hasn’t changed that much since) she would have my hands on the bottom of the bath so she had a clear shot at my bum. Good to see the bath mat so there is no chance of her falling. We wouldn’t want her getting hurt now, would we 🙂


  2. It upsets me to see her put her hand back and try to protect her bottom during her spanking. She needs to know that she’ll get more swats every time she does that. If I were giving her the spanking I’d make her put both hands on the rim of bath tub and tell her if she takes her hands off, she’ll get another swat. The bath brush is probably my favorite implement implement, at least for self-spanking. I bought a nice big one off of Amazon.


  3. I knew that dad would not be happy with my older sis taking so much time in the bathroom when we both had to get ready for school. Finally dad unlocked the bathroom door. OMG sis was totally nude. I saw dad pick up the bath brush and the swats he put across her tender naked ass echoed loud in the bathroom. Sis tried to block the swats but that did little good. Then she realized that I was standing right there watching everything. I wont forget seeing my older sis fully nude getting it with dad’s brush for a very long time.

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