Viewpoint – an OTK spanking

The viewpoint of a naughty schoolgirl, looking along the floor under the chair and legs of her teacher, towards where her skirt drapes down an her feet drape on the floor on the other side of his lap. Countless girls will have witnessed this view while being awarded the burning red bottom they doubtless deserve.

Sally Thomas was well aware of the interesting spectacle she presented to the class, particularly the boys, and even to their teacher Mr Roberts. Sadly, this is one spectacle she cannot witness, even if she were to experience it in its most immediate form.

5 thoughts on “Viewpoint – an OTK spanking

  1. Oh my days!!!

    This has to be one of the best yet! How may times I seen my own feet beneath the chair over which I am bending over (with or without a lap involved) – oh, that makes me wish I could swap places with, Sally. My old school uniform skirt was an almost identical green tartan to this, but I have since shorted it by at least a half for role play spankings.

    What we need now, please David, pretty please, is a top shop as well to give the perfect split screen effect.

    I hope you don’t mind, but I am just going to get my old uniform out of the spare room, dress up in it and await my husband’s return from London. He’s due back at 3pm and he is going to think it is birthday!

    Thank you again for this image, one I have rarely seen attempted elsewhere, yet for a lady, it is one of the best vies in the house.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank You! I hope you husband enjoyed himself!

      I’ve been wanting to make this image for a while, and been struggling to make it work. This was hot off the Machine over the weekend, and I liked it enough I bumped the planned post for the day to a later date.


      1. Oh, he did David, I saw to that :). I had my old school uniform on for him which he nows means he needs to spank me. So I was very quickly in that self same position. There is little in this world, certainly for me, that beat the thrill of seeing you own feet through the legs of a chair just before your bottom catches fire. The only position to trump that is the missionary, but that, like me, usually comes afterwards 😉


    1. This was partially inspired by a similar drawing somewhere in my archives dating I think from the 70’s, where the caption starts “no, this picture is not upside down”, and indeed it wasn’t. It is the view of the young lady while being draped across her teacher’s lap.


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